Richard Bisso

Working with Edward is a pleasure. Not only is he a great animator, he's passionate about games and dedicated to helping improve the game he's working on in any way possible. His thorough knowledge of games made him very easy to work with and allowed him to turn out great content at a brisk pace. His enthusiasm for the project was a tremendous morale boost for the team, and I especially appreciated his zeal in lending a hand to help find bugs after his animation responsibilities were fulfilled. Edward's presence made a significant and tremendously positive contribution to our game that I'll always remember. I highly recommend him and would be excited to work with him again, should the opportunity present itself. Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Richard Bisso

Ed came in at a time when the animation team was growing while having no real direction during production and he took the reigns and managed the team amazingly, giving us the direction we needed while organizing the schedule in a way that each animator played to their strengths. He managed to take chaos and beautifully organize it into a strong working animation machine that produced amazing work. Ed definitely knows his stuff and is willing to sit down and discuss how to improve pieces and push them to the next level. Working with him has been a wonderful experience.

Jonathan Barreras

I had the privilege of working with Ed at Digital Domain on Voltron VR. As animation Director he raised the bar on the animations and really made the project an animation masterpiece. I found his positive energy and enthusiastic nature morale boosting for the team. Along with his managerial duties, Ed organized team building activities, such as Frisbee and table top gaming. It was great working with Ed and I recommend him.

Da Hsia

Ed was my animation director at Digital Domain Interactive. He quickly got me in and comfortable on the projects with great direction. He set time out to make sure that all of the animators were able to handle our work load and was very encouraging. Our schedules were all planned out by Ed who evaluated our animation abilities to precisely assign us our work. He was a great leader, and we could relax knowing he was in charge. Not only did he push me as an animator, but he guided me as well, and I can confidently say I am a much better animator now, just after 3 months of working for him. He provided us with draw overs, examples, and would act out anything we were unsure of. Everyday he came in with a positive attitude that made the job fun, and something to look forward to everyday.

Victoria Ferguson

Ed was my animation director at DDi.He put structure to the team and always try his best to make the team feel fair.Ed sees the importance of respecting other team members and compliment the artists whenever they put in good work, while trying different ways to give guidance when the situation is needed. Ed also has great communication skill and work ethics, he remains patient under stressful situations.

Peppi Tsui

Edward is an exceptional animation director that gives strong and creative directions to the animators. He has great time management skills and a sharp eye for evaluating individual strengths and weaknesses. He assigns tasks that can maximize the quality and speed of production to meet deadlines efficiently. He is always positive and encouraging.

Wei-Chuan Hsu

I have worked with Edward for over 5 years, and he is one of the hardest working people that I know. He has always had a positive attitude and been a pleasure to work with. Edward has gone out of his way to implement a motion capture pipeline into the studio to better our animations and optimize the teams workflow. I hope to work with Edward again in the future.

Michael Altuna

I had the opportunity to work with Edward for several years at Red 5 Studios and witnessed first hand his undying enthusiasm, passion, creativity, and devotion to the team and the project. He has a personality that lights up the room on a daily basis and also possesses an incredible strong work ethic. In addition, he inspires others through his leadership and by his examples to achieve the best of their capabilities. Edward was a joy to work with and in my opinion, one of the most valuable assets in the studio.

Jeff Lawniczak

Edward is one of the most positive people I have ever met. It's rare to see someone come into the office on a Saturday and Sunday with a smile on his face. His work ethic is just incredible. I did not work directly on his team as I worked in the support department at Red 5 Studios, but had the privilege of sitting right next to him, where his positivity, energy, and attitude can most definitely be considered to be infectious.

Basil Nabhan

Edward is an extremely talented animator. His dedication to his craft and steadfast work ethic are truly impressive. He is wide ranging skillset and easy going demeanor make him a valuable team member and a pleasure to work with.

Baro Park

Edward is a very prompt and zealous animator whose turn around time is lightning fast. He has an eye for the weight of an animation that rarely (if ever) needs any polish. His attitude and humility make him an essential asset to any animation team. He is open to feedback and can make edits very quickly. I'd gladly work with Edward on another project.

Adam Kupratis

Edward's a passionate and skilled animator. He is eternally a joy to work with. I've no idea how he maintains the degree of optimism he expresses on a daily basis. When the whole team is feeling down, Edward is there to raise their morale. Edward was always going the extra mile to improve our company culture and vitalize relationships at our studio. Edward always pushes the boundaries of his art, he's willing to learn any skill he needs and do any work that needs to be done in order to bring life to a game. His animations are sublime, but his ability to execute and refine is an even greater asset. As a designer, I care a lot about game animations, but lack the training to precisely express my concerns. Edward was able to help me find the vocabulary to speak about animation, and make the creative leaps needed when my understanding left things lacking. He's really great at that.

Eric Carter

Edward has a passion for what he does that is pretty unmatched in my experience. His enthusiasm, creativity, quality and detail of execution on animation projects was remarkable to say the least. He is a person I'd love to have on my team.

Chris Fitts

It is my pleasure to recommend Edward, for his performance working at Red 5 as a 3d Animator. I have known Edward for two years during my time at Red 5 Studios, and have had the privilege to work alongside him on several projects. He had always show great initiative, would never hesitate to provide assistance, and would never refuse a request. I would definitely rank him as one of the most passionate and enthusiastic individuals there and I am very certain that he will be a great asset to any company he happens to work at.

Michael Audije

Edward is an amazing person. He is one of the most talented and driven animators I have had the pleasure to work with. He is a very skilled and fast animator. His drive and passion for animation in games makes him both a great asset on the animation side as well as the game design side. Beyond being a great artist Edward is also just a great person to work with. He is a very positive and level headed person that makes the workplace that much more fun and productive.

David Rodiguez

I really enjoyed working with Edward at Red 5. He's one of the most passionate, motivated, and enthusiastic people I've ever met. He works hard, and is actively thinking about how to make the project better. He's a talented animator who has made some of the most epic, awesome animations in Firefall and any team would greatly benefit from his infectiously positive personality and work ethic!

Andrew Brownell

Ed Bowman is a joy to work with. It really shows that he is very passionate about games and his work. His is enthusiastic, energetic and is willing to put the time in to get things done, right, with a high quality bar. Working with Ed makes it easy to get a project done, I highly recommend him.

Albert Liao

Edward is an outstanding animator and team player. His aptitude for the principles of animation and helpful mentality greatly helped me feel welcome to the gaming industry. He has been such a pleasure to work with and learn from.

Justin Little

Edward is an incredibly talented animator, demanding high standards from all that work with him. His creativity goes beyond just animation. Any aspect of art you engage with Edward you will find a wealth of creative ideas. A very passionate gamer, very direct and clear about what he wants to communicate. Edward strives to go beyond where he is at the moment, I have no doubt that in years to come we will see Edward climb lofty heights. He has a great work ethic and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Edward as a part of any team.

Han Randhawa

Edward is by far one of the most enthusiastic coworkers I've ever had. He is amazing to work with because his incredibly positive attitude gets everyone around him psyched up as well. He is an incredible animator that any team is lucky to have. I definitely hope to work with him again in the future.

Howard Tang

Edward worked at Vigil Games on both our projects as a senior level animator. Edward was a key contributor in getting our in game cinematics for Darksiders done, he was often the first one in, and the last one out of the building. Edward is a very passionate, driven, professional, and personable devleloper. It's very easy to recommend Edward to a potential employer.

John Mueller

Edward is not just an Animator. He really has many skills for every related part of game development. Whatever he is tasked to work on, he works with his true talent and enthusiasm. Additionally he also has the talent to make people, who he works with, happy!

Jay Oh

Apart from being a fantastic animator, Edward is also incredibly motivated and is fully willing to take the initiative. He looks for ways to improve the product, often spending his own time to elevate the presentation bring it to life.

Darren Mason

Edward isn't your typical "I'll put in 40 hours and call it a week" guy...he's someone who is passionate about what he does and not only does his work show it, his hours do too. 14+ hour days and working on weekends to bring something new to the table weren't uncommon for him -- and this *wasn't* during crunch time. He's always making the game better -- if not from his animations (which he's a pro at), then it's his ideas, feedback, even going as far as designing our studio's website. On top of all that, he is always upbeat, enthusiastic and a pleasure to work with -- if you have him, keep him around...if not, do whatever you can to hire him!

Austin Hallock

Edward Bowman is fast, smart, and talented animator. He has a lot of drive that other animators can learn from. Any company that hires him would benefit a great deal. A team player and will always get the job done. I would love to someday work with him again.

Steven G. Lee

We conducted a long search for senior animators at Edge and were thrilled when we found and recruited Edward to Austin. He is the kind of artist that you strive to hire. He embodies the ideal proportional balance between talent and work ethic. He is extremely dedicated and passionate about his work. He is driven, focused and would never think of relaxing on his accomplishments and never tires of improving his craft.

Jenn Casinader

Edward is one of the most enthusiastic developers I've worked with and puts that energy into every project. Especially in such a iterative and subjective environment, I particularly enjoyed how collaborative he was from concept to polish. Great guy to have on a team!.

Johnny Chu

I only worked with Edward on one online web site project, but he seemed passionate, organized and was thorough in his follow up. Definitely a motivated individual.

Georgina Petrie

Edward is a very hard-working, skilled, and driven person. When I worked with him, he was easy to get along with and had a clear vision of our goals and how to get there. I found one of his greatest attributes was his motivation and the ability to motivate others around him. He was a pleasure to work with.

Erin Lamoreux

Even remotely, Ed does a good job of communicating and working with the team on projects. His skill as an animator is awesome and his desire and ability build on those skills shows. Anyone who is looking for someone who is passionate, self-motivated, skilled and a team player need look no further.

Tristan Michael

Edward is an excellent animator and artist. He has great communication skills and is easy to work with.

Bret Church

It was a pleasure working with Edward while doing cinematics on Darksiders. Edward was one of our key contacts at Vigil and was the go to guy for anything we needed technically. He went above and beyond to make the work go smoothly under difficult time constraints. He was always quick to answer any questions we might have and give us critiques when we needed it. I would be happy to recommend Edward as a talented senior animator and would be fortunate to work with him in the future.

Jason Krueger

For the past year, I have had the pleasure of working with Edward, and I see in him an intense dedication and drive in all that he does. He is a solid animator who knows his stuff. His animations are of the best quality and his work process is highly thought out. He constantly contrubutes to the project on multiple levels and will work an idea or a problem until it is right. I enjoy working with Edward tremendously, and wouldn't hesitate to work with him again.

Christian Sheppard

Edward is a great animator and fantastic to get along with to boot. For me personally, I often have questions about animation concerning my own animation endeavors and he always makes time to lend an ear and give me advice. Whether it's career advice or technical questions about animating he is always patient and gives me a lot of feed back. The work he does is always high quality and talking with him is usually inspiring because he's so passionate about games and animating for games.

Nathan McClellan

Edward is very passionate about games, and game development. He was always quick to help organize the animation team and ensure their pipeline was in place and accurate. Edward is also one of very few animators I've worked with that seeks out, and embraces, new technology. This is a highly valuable trait in the ever growing game industry.

Alan Johnson

Ed is an absolute wealth of creativity and has a passion for games that extends to all disciplines of game development, not just animation. Not only was Ed instrumental in visualizing ideas for new games at LucasArts, but he came up with many of those ideas as well. Several of the game concepts we were working on were born directly from Ed's suggestions. He also provided us with valuable feedback with our other concepts and always spoke openly and honestly with us. In short, Ed is a terrific asset to have on any team, and is a great guy to work with. He's an amazing Animator, and so much more.

Eric Brummel

Working with Edward is a pleasure. Not only is he a great animator, he's passionate about games and dedicated to helping improve the game he's working on in any way possible. His thorough knowledge of games made him very easy to work with and allowed him to turn out great content at a brisk pace. His enthusiasm for the project was a tremendous morale boost for the team, and I especially appreciated his zeal in lending a hand to help find bugs after his animation responsibilities were fulfilled. Edward's presence made a significant and tremendously positive contribution to our game that I'll always remember. I highly recommend him and would be excited to work with him again, should the opportunity present itself. Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Richard Bisso

Edward provided enthusiastic and helpful feedback on my project even though doing so was an additional task outside of his other responsibilities. His passion for our IP was recognized by upper management and he volunteered to serve as an informal resource for my team. His great attitude and willingness to help were constants during the course of his employment at LucasArts.

Bill Mooney

Edward is a incredibly passionate animator who always gives any task 110%. He has a refreshingly positive attitude and a magnetic personality which made it a pleasure to have him on The Incredible Hulk. We're excited to have him on our animation team here at the Edge.

Danny Matson

Ed is an extremely talented animator and a great guy to work with. His energy level is far and away beyond most people that you may ever work along side and he uses this energy wisely.

Steve McLafferty

Edward is a highly creative animator that puts in 110% into his work. Edward has energy about him and works as a great motivator and friend to others on his team.

Steve Derrick

Edward is a very talented animator and an animated person as well. I had the pleasure of managing Edward at Interplay Entertainment. Edward is extremely positive and energetic. I was always impressed by the amount of quality work Ed could accomplish in a limited amount of time. Edward cares about his work and his team members and works well in team projects. Since this is a small industry I hope that I can work with Edward in the future as his skills and enthusiasm are sorely missed.

Travis Williams

Edward is an extremely motivated individual. I worked with him on several projects, and he always went the extra mile on each task. A detail-oriented employee with great problem-solving skills, Edward would be an asset on any creative team.

Matt Conte

Edward is an incredibly enthusiastic person with a contagiously fun personality, and all that comes through in his triple A quality animation. I hope I have a chance to work with Edward again in the future.

Drew Skillman

Edward is one of the most professional individuals I've ever had the pleasure to work with. He's hard working, self motivated, and inspires others to do the same. It's encouraging to see someone who has been in the industry as long as he has and is still genuinly excited to come to work everyday and give it his all. I can not say enough good things about him.

Travis Cameron

I've known Edward for a number of years and his professional drive still astounds me. He constantly pushes himself to the best of his ability and never misses a deadline. He has an extremely social personality and an eternally positive attitude. Never at a loss for new ideas or takes on things, Edward's gung-ho to the extreme.

Casey Richardson

Edward's ability to take my flailing about and animate it without the help of a mocap studio was very impressive... He's also a very entertaining and good spirited guy to have around. I speak for many people at VV when I say it was a sad day when he left us to pursue other opportunities.

Benny Raymond

Edward is packed full of energy and ready to work. He is one of the most animated animators I've ever met and he transfers that drive and motion into his work well. Edward is a go-getter and is always looking forward to what's next. He's ready for any challenge and enjoys pushing his own boundaries as an animator. Edward livens up an office and is a pleasure to work with.

Jason Harlow

Ed's a fantastic animator who brings a lot of passion and enthusiasm to every project he's on. His welll developed sense of style and flair gives his animations a great deal of personality.

Mike Nicholson

Edward is a very talented animator. His dedication to his craft and the project is proven in the end result. Be it in a team or tasked with a special request, Edward is the guy you want animate your next game.

John Fomby

Edward is a talented animator who is able to both work with a team and develop ideas independently. His creativity and skill really brought the characters in our game to life.

Jonathan Mintz

Edward is extremely driven and is never afraid to learn new things. He is a talented animator but is really turning into a multi-faceted artist who understands technical constraints while displaying a unique creative side. On top of all that, he has a positive attitude that can't be restrained! Go Edward!

Ben Throop

The last project I worked with Edward on was "Tony Hawk's American Sk8land" for the Nintendo DS. Edward was one of two animators on the project whose job was to animate the cartoon style cut scenes between levels. The cut scenes were intentionally goofy so it was a lot of fun to collaborate with him on this task. Edward took direction and feedback well and even went the extra mile helping out with mixing and editing the audio tracks whenever revisions were needed (We had no audio designer at the time so everybody pitched in when they could). Edward himself is a very energetic character and always brings a lot of extra enthusiasm to the table. This can be extremely valuable whenever optimism is in short supply and when team morale is at an all time low. I would very much look forward to working with Edward again if the opportunity presented itself.

Bryan Shutt